How to File a Complaint Against a Car Manufacturer

How to resolve a dispute with moversMoving house is considered to be the third most stressful event in one's lifetime – after a death in the family and a divorce. According to data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, about 36 million Americans move each year so you can imagine how busy the majority of moving companies are.

Unfortunately, there are some moving companies that take the liberty of crossing any possible boundaries of trust, integrity and honesty without being held responsible – from rude and unprofessional attitudHousehold Goods Consumer Complaint forme to overcharging and outright stealing.

As we are dedicated to providing in-depth moving tips and useful guides to anyone who is about to move house or have already moved to another home, this time we will cover the important topic ofhow to file a complaint against a moving company that has wronged you in any way. Remember that your voice matters and it must be heard! Ultimately, to file a complaint against your mover is your right to seek justice if your relocation partner has cheated you in any way. It's a matter of responsibility too.

If you're unhappy with your moving company because the professional movers:

  • treated you in a rude and non-professional way,
  • were very late to pick up your items or to deliver them to your new home,
  • handled your furniture and moving boxes carelessly and as a result, they did minor or more serious damage to your prized possessions,
  • failed to deliver all of your belongings to your new address and they cannot seem to know where the missing items might be at that moment of time,
  • requested much more money than they quoted you originally,
  • did any other serious mistake not mentioned above, showed blatant negligence, or tried to cheat you or rip you off by using dishonest scamming techniques,

and you strongly feel that your genuine dissatisfaction needs to be voiced and heard, then you must do just that – voice your disappointment, discontent, frustration or anger by filing a complaint against your moving company.

Initial Step: Peaceful resolution

Write a moving review
The best way to resolve any issues you may be having with a moving company is to contact them and try to straighten things up.

The first and highly logical step that you must take is to contact your mover right away and try to iron out whatever issues you might be having. The peaceful resolution of a dispute or a claim is always the best solution for both parties because a lot of time, money and nerves can be saved and spared by simple efforts to reach a mutual understanding.

Get in touch with your moving company and explain the problem or problems in the best possible way. Be ready to provide evidence to back up your complaint – usually photos that prove the existence and the extent of the damage while your household items were in your mover's possession.  Don't get angry or aggressive. You want practical results, not a defensive employee from the moving company. The mover should compensate you in accordance withthe moving valuation you've agreed upon prior to your move.

In case the professional moving company is not willing to take the matter seriously, or if the issue you're having with them is much more serious than a chipped table or a few broken kitchen plates, then it's time you attempted to make your mover take you and your complaint more seriously by writing a moving review .

Write a moving company review

There isn't a single reason you shouldn't leave a customer review about your moving company – it's fast, it's easy, and you can never lose. On the contrary, what you can gain from your honest narrative of what the movers did wrong can only prove to be hugely beneficial to you. Customer reviews and ratings of professional companies have both strong regulatory influence on the local moving market and even stronger dispute-solving power. After all, no business is particularly fond of receiving bad reputation and negative reviews regarding their business activity, so that chances that your moving review will help you solve the issue in your favor are pretty high.

Click here to rate your moving company and to tell the world what part of their services they can improve – in other words, where they blundered. The average time to leave a moving review is around 7 minutes! And those 7 minutes of your time can spare you days of headaches and wasted time that you can never bring back! By using MyMovingReviews as your platform to complain from your moving company, you can be pretty sure that what you say will be read, understood and taken into account by thousands and thousands of fellow countrymen who are looking to hire reputable movers for their own relocation needs.

Still, the best thing about writing a moving review about your moving company is the increased possibility that your mover will read your side of the story and, in most cases, will reply with their own version of what happened. And that is a unique chance for you to re-open the case and effectively resolve the complaint by reaching a settlement. Later, you can always edit your negative moving review or even request to take it down after the successful resolution of your dispute.

See also: How to write a moving review: step-by-step guide

File a complaint against a mover with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

United States Department of Transportation
Contact the U.S. Department of Transportation when you want to file a complaint against a moving company.

Another important step you have to take is to inform the U.S. Department of Transportation. You can file acomplaint against a mover in cases such as:unlicensed or uninsured operating status, final overcharging (over 110% of a non-binding estimate), incidents of damaged or stolen items, failure to keep the agreed time frame of the move, etc.

How to file a moving claim with the U.S. Department of Transportation? You can file a complaint through the Household Goods Consumer Complaint form easy and fast. You have to fill out the form with:

  • Your name, address, and telephone number
  • Name, address, and telephone number of the mover/broker
  • Bill of Lading Number
  • Origin and destination of your shipment
  • Mover's DOT number and MC number
  • Specific violations claim

Another option is to call the hotline at (888) 368-7238. The operation hours are Monday through Friday between 9:00 am and 7:00 pm EST. A qualified government representative will assist you with filing the complaint against your moving company.

Once your complaint against your mover has been entered into the FMCSA's consumer complaint database, it is used for analytic and statistical purposes. Your complaint will be noted in the carrier's public record. And if the FMCSA decides to take measures against the mover in accordance with your complaint letter, they may reach you for more information.

If you are dealing with issues concerning hazardous materials, you must, by all means, inform the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration immediately. You can call their emergency line at (800) 424-8802, or file an incident report through their online reporting tool.

IMPORTANT: Protect Yourself from Moving Fraud by The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)

File a complaint against a mover with the Better Business Bureau (BBB)

File a complaint with the BBB
Filing a complaint with the BBB is an important step towards resolving a dispute with a moving company.

Also, you can file a moving claim with the Better Business Bureau program through their online complaint section, or you can go to their nearest office. This works best with accredited BBB moving companies. How to file a complaint with the BBB? The dispute settlement procedure involves a few steps:

  • After filing a complaint against a moving company, BBB sends the record to the company within two days.
  • Next, the mover will be requested to reply within a 14-day period. If no acknowledgment is received, a second request will be sent.
  • A BBB representative will contact you to inform you about the moving company response – or the lack of it.
  • Complaints against movers with the BBB are usually settled in 30 business days.

In order to file a complaint letter concerning discrimination claims about the quality of safety measures, or the legitimate services within the BBB, you have to fill out your contact information, the mover's information and the particular violation details. Once again, the Better Business Bureau cannot oblige movers to undertake any particular actions concerning reimbursement, as it is not a governmental institution.

Contact the Attorney General in your state

It is highly recommended that you contact the local Attorney General for additional help. Here is the full contact list of Attorneys General to whom you may lodge a complaint. Contact the one in your state.

Seek justice in a small claims court

Hopefully, you won't have to reach this final step in seeking justice for whatever it is that your mover did you wrong. However, if you are unhappy with the resolution of your claim with the moving company or you are unable to resolve your argument with the mover after going through all the steps mentioned above, you can also choose to seek resolution in court – follow the link to learn how to file a complaint in a small claims court.

Must read info:How to choose the best moving company in 31.5 steps

Manuela Irwin

Manuela Irwin

Manuela is a Digital Marketing and Business Development Executive at She has a profound knowledge of the U.S. moving industry and its consumer protection laws. She would frequently speak to stakeholders and media like FOX News, Forbes and USA Today in an effort to help educate people on the hazards of moving. Manuela has also co-authored two books about the moving process one of which is called "Relocating without Breaking a Sweat: Your Personal Handbook for a Perfect Move".

Through extensive research work, full-scale investigations, and exhaustive analysis, Manuela has achieved a broad understanding of how the dynamic relocation industry works. She is an expert in the U.S. laws and regulations governing movers and she can offer insight into moving company's challenges and way of business conduct.

She has interviewed most of the key people in the relocation industry worldwide, providing information straight from the horse's mouth. She covers news from the moving industry and contributes practical advice on moving related issues.

She loves speaking to the public and she has provided moving related advice for media like Forbes, USA Today, AMSA's Direction magazine, and many other stakeholders, including Zillow and Trulia, Yahoo Homes, and

Contact Manuela Irwin at:

How to File a Complaint Against a Car Manufacturer


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