How to Add a New Vehicle to Your Insurance

How to Do a Vehicle Inspection

One of the best ways to ensure your vehicle lasts a long time and remains safe to drive is by performing regular inspections. Many states even require a yearly inspection. Before you spend money on a mechanic, learn what to look for when you inspect it yourself.


One of the first things you'll want to check are your tires. A daily visual inspection can go a long way in making sure there are no major issues, like a flat or a low tire. You'll also want to use a gauge to check the tire pressure, and make sure it matches up with the numbers in your vehicle's manual. Be sure to check the tread on your tires as well. If it's worn, it's time to get new ones or you could be putting your safety at risk. It's also a good idea to check your spare tire from time to time to make sure it's in good working order in case you need it.

Fluid Levels and Leaks

It's time to move on to the fluids. First, make sure you don't have any leaks. Next, check the oil level. This is the most vital fluid in your car, and if you don't have enough of it, it can tear up your transmission. After the oil, check the coolant level. If it's low, your vehicle could overheat. Finally, check your windshield washer fluid level. While it's not vital to your car's well-being, it can play a major role in driving safety.

Steering, Alignment and Suspension

Steering, alignment and suspension issues are harder to perform during a DIY inspection, but there are a few things you can look for to make sure it's all in good working condition. First, make sure your vehicle has enough power steering fluid. Second, take the car for a drive around the block. If it vibrates or seems to veer off to one side despite the fact that you're driving straight, you may have an alignment issue. Uneven tire treads may be a sign that your suspension needs some work.


Brakes may also be difficult to check if you aren't a trained mechanic. However, you can check your brake fluid levels, and perform a few tests to determine whether they're in good working order. You can also visually inspect the brake pads between the spokes on your wheels. If you hear a high-pitched sound when you hit your brakes, you may need to have some work done on your vehicle.

Other Miscellaneous Vehicle Parts

After you've checked those four main components on your vehicle, go ahead and inspect the windshield for cracks and loose seals. Make sure all of your lights work, including your headlights, bright lights, parking lights, brake lights, hazard lights and turn signals. Test the seat belts in your vehicle, and test the life of your battery. You'll also want to take a walk around the exterior of your vehicle to make sure there is no major visible damage. Finally, look under the hood at your engine. Even if you don't know one part from the other, you can keep an eye out for leaks, broken parts and any other potential damage.

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How to Add a New Vehicle to Your Insurance


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